■Business Overview

Agricultural Products Trading Business, we import and sell wholesale fresh, frozen, and processed agricultural products from around the world to domestic wholesale markets, bulk-sale stores, foodservice businesses, and food manufacturers.


In fresh agricultural products, we have one of the largest shares in the imported citrus fruit market in Japan due to our position as the exclusive import agent for Sunkist Growers Inc. We also sell a wide range of other fresh produce, including tropical fruits.


In the frozen agricultural products category, we are involved in all parts of the supply chain – from identifying and developing producing areas worldwide through to import. We sell a wide range of frozen processed agricultural products, mainly strawberries and berries, to the food service industry and major retailers.


In addition to domestic agricultural import business, one of our new efforts is the export of high-quality, Japanese agricultural products for overseas including Asian countries. Going forward, we will promote overseas production of Japanese varieties by utilizing intellectual property rights and the development of our overseas sales business.

One of the Group’s fruit-producing areas

Strawberry processing line



■Global EC Business